The Strategic Plan of Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya is an umbrella document which envisages the goals of the different departments, sub-committees and cells in different time horizons to participate in the process of nation’s building. Based on this plan all sub-committees and cells make their own strategic plan on the basis of short term and long term goals. A collective effort from all stakeholders provides inputs in making systematic analysis on external and internal environment and policy developments in order to make this Strategic Plan and its implementation. A SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges) analysis has been made to formulate our Future Plans.
This Strategic Plan requires timely actions and its success can be determined with the successful fulfilment of both short term and long term goals. These goals are made as per with the Vision and Mission of the college and expected future scenarios in the event horizon available.
LONG TERM GOALS (2023 – 2033)
SHORT TERM GOALS (2023 – 2028)
1.Improvement of JRM Status:
2.Implementation of Good Governance and E-Governance:
3.Physical and IT Infrastructure:
4.Teaching-Learning Resources:
5.Research and Development, Patents and Consultancy:
6.Collaboration with Industry and Academia:
7.Placement, Entrepreneurship and Incubation Facilities:
8.Build an Alumni Network:
9.Financial Management:
10.Extracurricular and Co-curricular Activities: