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  1. A Library Card is to be issued on the submission of admission slip and identity card to the in- charge of the librarian.
  2. Reference Books are to be consulted in the reading room only during the office hours, and the students are advised to submit their identity card to the in-charge of the library and collect them only after the submission of the borrowed books.
  3. The users should enter their membership number, name and the entry time in the gate register kept at the door while they enter inside the library. Similarly when they leave the library the leaving time should be entered in the gate register.
  4. Silence must be maintained in the library and loud talking is extremely prohibited within the premises of library because library is the place of individual study and research. Therefore members are obliged to maintain such atmosphere being conducive to.
  5. Use of mobile phone inside the library is strictly prohibited including photography and videography except with the permission from the in-charge of the library.
  6. Books should be handled with care and no amount of tearing, underlining, or any marking or writing on library books can be tolerated and if found such infringements members are liable to be punished with the subsequent cancellation of their membership card and privileges of Open Access System to the book shelves in the Stack and Reference.
  7. Members should maintain the classified arrangements of books on the basis of their numbers, genres, types etc and no one should misplace books on the shelves or keep them back instead are advised to keep on nearby tables.
  8. Faculty members are allowed to borrow up to 30 books at a time.
  9. In order to obtain books from the library, a library card is mandatory for the students. Honours students can borrow two books from main library and one book from departmental library and the general students can borrow only one book at a time; borrowed books to be returned within 15 days from the date of issue. Books may be re-issued if there has been no demand for them meanwhile. And any student keeping a book beyond the time allowed will be fined as decided by the library sub-committee and may even be barred from using the library for one week or more depending on the situation.
  10. Honours students are allowed to borrow books for Puja vacation, which should be returned within one week after re-opening of the college and there after fine will be charged as per ruled, including the vacation period. This fine will not be excused on any ground whatsoever. No student is allowed to borrow any books after form fill up.
  11. Students to be issued a book only once in a day on Borrower’s Card. Return of the same would be allowed after the elapse of a full day.
  12. Old students who have graduated from the college and are studying in Post-Graduate classes may, on the recommendation of the Librarian and permission of the Principal, avail the Reading Room facility but will not be allowed to borrow books under any circumstances.
  13. Library Cards are to be kept with utmost care, loss of which must be reported immediately to the Librarian and a duplicate card would be issued on payment of fine. Cards must be surrendered and clearance certificate be obtained before filling up of the forms for B.A Final Examination.
  14. Students seeking Transfer Certificate and also Library deposit refund must produce a clearance certificate from the Librarian to the college office.
  15. Borrowed books must be returned to the library before every Semesterized examination lest members’ mark sheets be restricted to be issued.
  16. In case of Loss/ Damage/ Defacement of the Library Books, the latest edition of the lost book is to be replaced to the library. If the book be one of a series, and cannot be available singly, the whole set must be replaced. Should the book be lost, be out of print, the borrower must pay a fine to be decided by the Principal in addition to the published price. Till the damage or loss is made food the borrower will have no right to use the library.
  17. Reading room facility is available from 11.00 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Monday to Friday and on Saturday from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
  18. Closure of the library during the normal holidays are to informed through the issuance notices, and in case of unwanted closure of the library facilities, members are advised to contact through the office.


  • Monday – Friday : 11.00 am – 4.00 pm
  • Saturday : 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
  • Daily Tiffin Hours : 1.45 pm – 2.15 pm