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Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya is an integral part of higher education around Amtala and Nowda block and college library is the primary source for learning process. In fact, it is a general degree arts college, established on 6 th December, 1986 with the vision of empowering the rural Muslim community at large and especially the women’s education and empowerment. The college is affiliated to the University of Kalyani and re-accredited with grade “B” by the NAAC in 2016. The college currently offers undergraduate courses (honours and general) in Arabic, Bengali, Education, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science and Sanskrit. The Department of Library is the centre of teaching-learning process with the facilities of having more than 10000 books and a good number of journals, magazines and newspapers in order to facilitate the research culture among its stakeholders. The library also provides an open access to all teachers, staff and students through OPAC system. There is an air conditioned reading room with seating capacity of 20 students, drinking water, and lavatory. There is a scope of high speed Wi-Fi connectivity and a separate career counselling unit comprising books and journals related to the field of employment that inspire and facilitate students of this backward region.


  1. To undertake the responsibilities of providing needs and facilities of the teaching- learning process of the college.
  2. To acquire, serve, and conserve all significant printed and e-contents related to the academic needs.
  3. To provide bibliography and documents of all academic activities.
  4. To have an access to and promote research, discovery and use of local as well as external resources.
  5. To create hospitable conditions of physical and virtual environments for study, teaching and research.
  6. To upgrade to the local, national, and international library and information initiatives.
  7. To uphold the mission and vision of the founding fathers of the college.


The primary objectives of the Department of Library are to preserve and conserve all aspects of knowledge. Library is a place where students learn about different information sources and acquire knowledge beyond curriculum. Library helps them realize their goals and shape their career. Hence the college library plays a vital role in the graduate programme.


The followings are the functions of library –

  1. Make availability of books and other allied printed or e-materials relevant to their courses.
  2. Procurement of supplementary books and other reading materials to get helped in study and teaching at the college.
  3. To provide comprehensive selection of authoritative books and other documentary evidences needed by the faculty members in order to carry out their research.
  4. To provide a wider and deeper understanding of the universe of knowledge to all the stakeholders of the college.
  5. To become an independent agency in order to develop and encourage a habit of reading, learn and familiarize with the current events and states of affairs beyond their syllabi.
  6. To promote a proper use of library and its contents to the students and teach how to derive full advantages out of it.
  7. To provide a standard text and reference books to the departments.


The collections of books in the college library is adequate, comprehensive and current for the purpose of meeting out the educational needs of the students as well as the faculties. The library committee recommends or prescribes textbooks, journals, etc. It also includes reference books, career oriented competitive examination books and weekly papers.


The college library is extremely eager to uphold the new tasks or challenges for the betterment and upliftment of all stakeholders. Therefore it plans to implement the following future plans:

  1. Separate Reading room with basic facilities of drinking water and lavatory.
  2. Introduction of the Best Reader Awards with Certificate of Recognition to both students and faculty category.
  3. Introduction of Smart Card facility, through which the meritorious students (top two students from each class) are allowed to borrow another two additional books from the library.
  4. Organizing workshop/ seminars/ conference for the students related to the Library and Information Science.